KCCPad Research
Yesterday, Bluezilla — the team behind BSCPad, TRONPad and the upcoming ETHPad, announced the launch of their newest launchpad- KCCPad
Unless you’re really plugged into the Gem Hunter/Ape scene, you might have missed KCC completely so far
So let’s take a look at what it is
What is KCC?
It is short for Kucoin Community Chain
Built by the fans of KCS and KuCoin, KuCoin Community Chain (KCC) is a decentralized public chain with high performance.
Its purpose is to solve the problems such as low performance and high cost of public chain, to provide community users with faster, more convenient and low-cost experience.
- Fully compatible with Ethereum and ERC-20 smart contracts, extremely low costs in migration.
- KuCoin Token (KCS) is the only fuel and native token for KCC and can be used to pay gas fee.
- The blocks are produced every 3 seconds, accelerated transaction confirmation and higher chain performance.
Adopt the consensus algorithm of Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), more efficient, secure and robust.
I think the easiest way to think about it is Kucoin’s version of Binance Smart Chain, which I think most of us are familiar with at this point
The chain is EVM compatible, which means projects which have built on the ERC20 standard on ETH can easily be forked over to KCC
This means there is very little friction when compared, for example, to Solana where each project needs to be built from the ground up
As we have seen with BSC, MATIC and to some extent HECO, this leads to a quick influx of new projects looking to become the “X” of the new chain
Important links for KCC
Web: https://www.kcc.io/
Documentation: https://docs.kcc.io/
Explorer: https://explorer.kcc.io/
Social Networks
Discord: https://discord.gg/H5ucJydSyd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KCCOfficialTW
Telegram: https://t.me/KCCOfficialEnglishCommunity
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/KCCOfficialChannel
Medium: https://kucoincommunitychain.medium.com/
How to add KCC to Metamask
The following is a step by step tutorial but as always, don’t trust — verify
You can get the up to date/official mainnet details by joining the official TG at https://t.me/KCCOfficialEnglishCommunity and typing !mainnet
Step 1
Open Metamask and click the dropdown at the top

Step 2
Select “Custom RPC”

Step 3
Enter the details below (correct as of time of writing)
Chain ID: 321
Symbol: KCS
RPC URL: https://rpc-mainnet.kcc.network
Explorer URL: https://explorer.kcc.io/en
and click “Save”

Step 4
You’re done!
You can now select the KCC network anytime (or change to any other network you have setup) by selecting the relevant network under “1” in the picture
Your address is shown at “2” in the picture
You can copy it to your clipboard by simply clicking it

How to transfer KCS to Metamask
The native token of KCC is KCS
This is required to pay for gas fees, in the same way as ETH is on Ethereum, or BNB is on Binance Smart Chain
So if you want to do anything on KCC, you’ll need to get KCS into your wallet
Step 1
You will need to have an account at Kucoin.com and some funds in your account
Buy as much KCS as you want and transfer it from your “Trading Account” to “Main Account”
Open your assets by selecting Assets>Main Account (Deposit and Withdraw)
Under KCS select “Withdraw”

Step 2
Select KCC (1)
Enter your KCC address (2)
Enter the amount of KCS you want to withdraw (3)
Click confirm (4)

What can you do on KCC?
The chain literally launched a few days ago, so everything is quite new
At the moment there is no official KCC DappStore but it is planned for Q3 2021 (so over the next couple of months)
However there are several projects launched already
3rd party developments not supported by KCC team
* Kuswap.finance → KUS Token
* Koffeeswap.exchange → Koffee token
* Kandyswap.com → Kandy Token
* kudoge.io → KuDo Token
* kurise.com → KURISE Token
* ku-dos.app → KUDOS Token
These projects are Pinned in the official KCC TG channel so while I wouldn’t consider them “official” or even “safe”, they are likely to be more popular and less likely to be a straight out scam (but as always, DYOR)
What is KCCPad?
🚀 KCCPAD is the first major launchpad on KCC. KCCPAD brings stability, safety and amazing opportunities on the new and highly anticipated KuCoin Community Chain!
🚀 Launch — Monday July 12th
😱 Initial marketcap only $25,000 (this is -not- a typo!)
🤯 We will use a fair launch with anti bot prevention. The community launchpad giving fairness to all!
🎉 KCCPAD is a deflationary launch pad
👉 fee for selling & early unstaking (50% burn and 50% staking rewards)
👉 projects will need to commit to buying and burning tokens to launch their IDOs
While there seem to be a few KCC Launchpads coming up in the past few days (as you’d expect!) this is the first one I’ve seen with a history, reputation and track record to protect, which is important with these new chains because the influx of anon teams and projects that have just been conceived of inevitably leads to not only scams but terrible execution by well intentioned but inexperienced teams
If you’re active in any of the “Ape” Telegram groups (which is where most of the action happens in the early days of new chains) you’ll know that easily 60%+ of projects launching on KCC are currently scams/rugpulls
This is pretty common, same for BSC, MATIC etc when they first launched
It takes a while for the market to find its feet, figure out what’s what and how the chain is working, and scams get harder to pull off (and therefore less common)
Of course, with less risk comes less reward, that’s just how markets work
Important Links for KCCPad

👉 Official links:
🌎Website: https://kccpad.io
💬Telegram: https://t.me/KCCPad_Official
📢Telegram Ann: https://t.me/kccpad_announcements
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/KCCPad_Official
How to Join the KCCPad Presale
Whitelist is now open: 👇
🚀 Launch Date: Monday July 12th
💲 Initial Marketcap: $25,000 🔥
Whitelisted participants will be eligible to buy #KCCPAD at launch during bot prevention
KCC is really new and this creates a lot of opportunity
As traders, we don’t know whether the opportunity will be short, medium or long term — but it doesn’t really matter
As investors, we want to try to pick the “blue chips” of the new chain and scale into them as early and cheaply as we can
I am going to be spending some time over the next few days making some bets on KCC
I expect most will fail but the upside of those that succeed can be huge
This is the same thing I did when everyone was calling BSC a “scam” and I applied for the presale of BSCPad — eventually realizing over 200x on my bet
While there will likely be a lot of launchpads launching over the next couple of weeks, we can say from experience that only a small percentage of those will succeed in getting any traction
I think the Bluezilla team has done a good job of proving they have what it takes to have a good shot of them being among the leaders
As a trader and investor, having access to projects on a popular launchpad gives me several advantages:
- the chance of buying a scam goes down by a huge amount
- there is only so much attention to go around. Launching on a popular launchpad more or less guarantees a project will get a good proportion of the attention, and therefore capital
- it saves me having to do endless research filtering out projects with potential and total garbage. In the early days of any new chain the R:R on time spent doing research has to be optimized because there are literally opportunities everywhere
With a market cap at launch of $25k, I’m looking forward to seeing how well it does at launch, and what projects it will attract and launch in the following weeks
I have put my money where my mouth is and participated in a Private Round for the sale, so I hope it does as well as I expect it can!